- Are budget dollars being spent optimally to support the district’s mission?
- Can processes be designed more efficiently to free up resources?
- Is the administrative organization structured and staffed to lead the district?
NESC’s is a nonprofit management consulting firm that brings a business perspective to help schools utilize resources effectively.
We understand the central importance of student academic performance – and we believe that skillful administration and management can help reduce costs, improve effectiveness, and support educational excellence via strengthened infrastructure.
- Our Skilled Consultants: senior corporate executives – from companies like IBM, Kodak, Pfizer and Citibank – with diverse expertise, who work in multi-disciplinary teams
- Our Approach: customized and action-oriented
- Our Low Fees: a fraction of those charged by for-profit firms
Our Clients & The Work We Do
- Our Clients
- Improved Operational Performance
- Enhanced Organizational Effectiveness
- Board Improvement
- Strategic Planning
- Financial Analysis
- Action Early Learning Center
- Bedford Central School System
- Bridgeport Public Schools
- Danbury Public Schools
- Darien Public Schools
- Easton/Redding/Region 9 School Districts
- Fairfield Public Schools
- Greenwich Public Schools
- Hendrick Hudson School District
- Monroe Public Schools
- New Canaan Public Schools
- New Fairfield Board of Education
- New Fairfield Public Schools
- Norwalk Education Foundation
- Norwalk Public Schools
- REACH Prep
- Ridgefield Board of Education
- Ridgefield Public Schools
- St. Catherine Academy
- Stamford Public Schools
- Trumbull Public Schools
- Weston Public Schools
- Westport Public Schools
- Wilton Public Schools
Shared Services: Security and Facilities Assessment For the Bridgeport Public Schools and the City of Bridgeport, NESC objectively analyzed the shared services agreement for the provision of security and facilities services to the Schools. Recommendations to strengthen, enhance and formalize the agreement were made and accepted; and an implementation manager was hired to facilitate the change.
Productivity and Efficiency For the Westport Public Schools, NESC facilitated a 7-step process, led by a Staff/BOE steering committee, to generate, analyze, and recommend initiatives to increase efficiency and productivity, prioritized based on mission impact.
Operations Assessment For a CT nonprofit providing educational support to prepare minority students for admission to rigorous independent schools, the NESC team analyzed the financial and administrative support functions and recommended organizational and process changes to create a sustainable infrastructure.
Special Education Resource Evaluation A CT tri-district public school system engaged NESC to identify opportunities to improve Special Education services by coordinating their management across the district. Recommendations were made to enhance the delivery of services utilizing existing resources.
Organizational Analysis For a CT public school system, NESC consultants conducted an organizational assessment and made suggestions for realigning the reporting structure and job responsibilities in the central office. As a result, the Superintendent was freed from focus on day-to-day operational issues and provided with more time for planning and communication.
Support Services Review Teams of NESC consultants conducted a highly detailed, comprehensive review of the administrative operations for a CT school system, focusing on the roles and functions of non-teaching staff. This work resulted in an increased understanding of the responsibilities and interaction of the administrative staff and the identification of areas in which efficiencies could be improved with resulting cost savings.
School Board Best Practices NESC conducted an extensive research project to identify specific best practices that School Boards might consider to improve their effectiveness. The results were a distillation of practical, successful actions that have helped School Boards improve educational outcomes; add value to the educational experience; and serve the broader community they were elected to represent.
Executive Search The rapid global and domestic multi-city expansion of a leading international education and cultural organization outstripped the capabilities of both the existing staff and the financial systems and operations. NESC successfully conducted a global search for a new Chief.
BOE Self-Assessment Facilitation For a Fairfield County Board of Education, NESC conducted in-depth interviews then facilitated an offsite to identify, discuss and agree on key issues and ideas for improvement.
Grant Development: Program Planning NESC worked with a nonprofit provider of after-school enrichment services to a public school system, to facilitate the development of a program design and comprehensive business plan that enabled them to secure the largest single grant in the organization’s history.
Strategic Planning A state-approved private school that serves intellectually disabled students was concerned about financial viability. After a thorough situation analysis, NESC recommended a transformation strategy to re-structure the organization; expand the target market; enhance programming; and focus on marketing.
Budgeting Process Review A Westchester public school superintendent engaged NESC to observe and evaluate the district’s financial budgeting process. NESC sat in on all meetings; interviewed staff; and made recommendations to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the budgeting process and the various groups involved.
Special Education Cost Analysis For three Fairfield County districts, NESC conducted a detailed per-student expenditure analysis to understand the drivers and differences in special education expenditures.